Now that spring is in full swing, it's the perfect time to think about home upkeep, organization, and freshening up your interiors. When your belongings are neat and tidy, your home feels cleaner and more inviting. Goal-setting is essential here: from smart storage solutions and seasonal refreshes to practical organization habits that fit your lifestyle.
While there are many methods to restore order to your home in Point Loma, finding professional home and kitchen remodels will certainly add vitality to the space. However, if you want to tackle this task on your own, here are some of the finest ways to make your place more efficient, and design improvements that will have a long-lasting effect.
What does spring cleaning include?
Nothing feels quite as satisfying as coming home to a house that's so clean it practically sparkles. Spring cleaning can be anything from cleaning your house from top to bottom, organizing various rooms, or refreshing your interior. The benefits of getting organized are endless: There's less housework. Goals become clearer. There's more space for items you love. Consider creating a spring cleaning checklist or make a schedule.
1. Streamline your storage system
If you have ever wondered how to best use your storage space and get more organized, we have some ideas for you. One of the best ways to become more organized and maximize your space is getting rid of items that you don't need and no longer serve you.
Every item should have a designated spot in the house, so why not choose some functional storage to make your annual organizing session even more enjoyable and stylish? Whether you need a more functional kitchen area or to simplify your everyday tasks, give your belongings a place to belong.
2. Let spring cleaning set a new tone
With the new season look to add new colorful pillows or artwork changing the feel of your space. Additionally, if you want to change the energy of a room, rearranging the furniture around is a quick way to improve the appearance of any room. This will provide a fresh perspective and a new way to experience the space, making it perfect for the spring months.
3. Bring The Outdoors In
The use of natural elements in one's home, such as plants, natural fabrics, hardwood floors, etc., is known as biophilic design, which can boost one’s health and bring a reduction in stress levels. Moreover, greenery reduces indoor air pollution by removing VOCs (Volatile Organic Compounds) and harmful particulate matter. Once you purge, organize, and optimize your space this spring, don’t forget to include a few plants in your decor.
4. Prep your outdoor space
Counting down to get-togethers and barbecues? It’s important that your outdoor space is refreshed and ready to entertain. No matter if you have a small retreat or a large outdoor entertaining area, keep in mind that patio furniture collections, and a properly equipped outdoor kitchen can make entertaining with friends and family more enjoyable.
Where in Point Loma can I find quality home & kitchen remodels?
Thanks to more than three decades of experience behind our devoted and innovative team, Lars Remodeling & Design knows how to meet all your expectations. We are a locally owned company, providing Point Loma homeowners with top-quality services. Whether you‘re located on Shelter Island or elsewhere in the area, count on top bathroom remodels, a master bedroom upgrade, a second-story addition, or expert advice on the most durable options for kitchen flooring.
You can expect a full-service approach, extensive planning, and exceptional craftsmanship. Feel free to contact us for more information, or to schedule your initial consultation.